Favorite Reads 2018

Suspense / Thrillers

Killman Creek by Rachel Caine

The second book in Rachel Caine’s Stillhouse Lake Series is as good as the first. Again, it’s a really good story, with strong writing, tight plotting, and multi-layered characters. I preordered the third book in the series (Wolfhunter River) and I can’t wait to dive in. If, however, you haven’t read the first book, this is definitely a series you want to read in order. Check out my review of  Stillhouse Lake.

Artemis by Andy Weir

Did anyone NOT read The Martian by Andy Weir? Or see the movie? I loved the book and the movie. So I was skeptical about Artemis. I had no idea how Andy Weir could pull it off again. Well, he did. It is, however, a completely different book, more of a mystery / heist type book than the Martian, but in it’s own way just as good.

Fantasy / Urban Fantasy / YA Fantasy

I read a lot of good fantasy this year. Below I’ve listed my pick of the best of the best.

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

A good friend, who is usually right about great fantasy, recommended Nevernight and its follow on Godsgrave.  She was so right.  This is the most imaginative fantasy I’ve read in a long time.  Plus, it’s wonderfully written with unique, multi-dimensional characters, and a plot that keeps on twisting.  All I can say is, “Wow!”

For those of who do audio books, I listened to this one, and the reader was exceptional.

Spinning Silver & Uprooted by Naomi Novik

Another of my favorite fantasy authors, Naomi Novik. Have you read her Temeraire Series? (It’s history with a twist of dragons.  And it’s great!)  Anyway, I was looking for something on Amazon, and these two popped up.  They’re not connected, though they play in the same world.  And they’re both delightful  I couldn’t decide which I enjoyed more.

If you enjoy fantasy and you haven’t discovered Robin Hobb, then I’m so envious.  She can’t write fast enough to satisfy me.  Her books are that good. She’s created a very unique world, with multiple series.

The Liveship Trader Trilogy by Robin Hobb

This is the third Robin Hobb series that I’ve read. Like the others, I loved it.  My favorite, however, has to be her Fareseer Trilogy.  I’ve recommended her books to a lot of friends, and so far, everyone has enjoyed them as much as I have.  Which reminds me, I need to go see if she has anything new out.

Historical Fiction

All The Light We Cannont See by Anthony Doerr

I mentioned last year that I don’t read a lot of historical fiction.  However, I’m changing that.  For the second year in a row, I read an excellent novel that entertained, enlightened, and gave me a glimpse into a time and place I don’t know.

All The Light We Cannot See is set during WW II, a time we all know (or think we know) something about.  This book, however, tells the story of two young people caught in Europe during those years. It’s unique and often enlightening as well as heart-breaking.  It really is a book you should read.


Year One and Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts

Who knew that legendary romance author Nora Roberts could write apocalypse fiction?  I was surprised, though I probably shouldn’t have been. Nora Roberts is a master at her craft, and these books are a testament to that skill.

I reviewed and recommended  Year One, the first the Chronicles of the One series, early in 2018.  I then preordered and listed to Blood and Bone as soon as it was available.  It’s as good as the first, again, no surprise  My only complaint is that I have to wait unti fall for the third installment.

Check out my review of Year One.

Women’s Fiction

The Great Alone by Kristen Hannah

Another wonderful story, a rich, complex novel, by Kristen Hannah. I reviewed in on my blog, here.


Other great Kristen Hannah reads.

Summer Island From my 2017 Favorites List.
On Mystic Lake  This is my first KH books, years ago.
The Nightingale. (If you haven’t read that, you really should.)

If you enjoy woman’s fiction and haven’t discovered Kristin Hannah, you’re missing out.


TBR List for 2019

Here are the books currently at the top of my TBR list for 2019.  Some of these, since I’m way behind on my updates, I’ve already read. This, however, is a pretty fluid list that’s subject to change when someone says to me, “You have got to read this book!”

List Coming Soon.